Commercial Photography

Your company is remarkable! Your photos should communicate that!
Tap to Call

Standard Statement Photos

My rates are based on results rather than time. You are invoiced for the total amount of final chosen photos. This is beneficial to you in several ways:

Low risk – only buy what you need/love
Focus on quality vs quantity


3 Images Base Rate – $495 + any costs associated with the shoot (travel, props, models, etc.)
$125/additional image

Rates include custom lighting setups, product styling, photoshop compositing, sky replacements, removing items from the scene, etc.

Travel is figured at $.66 per mile round trip driving. For extended or overnight trips, Air fare and lodging may be applicable.

Example Before and after photos

See the difference between the proof and final delivered photo








Additional services to make your photos really sing

Twilight Composite Photo

Twilight shots are done between sunset and approximately 40 minutes after sunset. All lights in the home must be turned on and additional lighting may be used. Includes 1 additional final photo. $275


Fresh flowers – $35
Wine, bread, other props on hand, etc – $25
Specific props purchased solely for the shoot will be billed at cost.

Additional Services

Not every project falls into my standard pricing structure. Below are some additional options for the projects that don’t require as much attention to detail in the planning or execution of the photo shoot.

Product Photos

Simple studio lighting setup on a white backdrop. Includes cutting out, minor retouching and global edits. No Props.

Bulk Pricing*

10 Images


$70 each

20 Images


$65 each

30 Images


$60 each

40 Images


$55 each

50 Images


$50 each

Documentary Photos

Max one light, little to no onsite direction. Basic editing and color correcting. No retouching. Great for a group of images describing a process or behind the scenes shots. Events such as grand openings. General editing includes culling and color correction. 

Hourly Rate: $275/hr 1 hour minimum – 30min. General editing

Additional Retouching $125/hr

Half Day

Up to 4 hours
1 hour general editing

Full Day

Up to 8 hours
2 hours general editing

*All prices are subject to change without notice. Please call to confirm current prices.

Let's create something awesome together!


    Best time to call: What is your role? Type of photography.

    How did you hear about us? (required) Who can we thank for the referral?

    Tell us a little about yourself, your business, products, etc

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